What conditions do chiropractors treat?

The focus of chiropractic is to restore function to allow your body to restore health. Therefore, chiropractic patients are treated without the use of drugs or surgery. Often, through a series of adjustments to your spine, your body begins the healing process. So, although the primary focus of the chiropractor is to detect and correct misaligned or subluxated joints, patients have responded with improvements regarding a wide variety of symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Neck Pain
  • Mid Back Pain
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist and Hand Pain
  • Hip, Knee, Ankle, and Foot Pain
  • Carpal Tunnel Symptoms
  • Symptoms of Bursitis and Tendonitis
  • Headaches and Migraine Symptoms
  • Arm Pain
  • Leg Pain/ Sciatica
  • Certain Disc Conditions
  • Sports Injuries
  • Auto Injuries
  • Work Injuries
  • Pregnancy Related Conditions of the Back and Spine
  • Chronic Health Concerns

Can chiropractic help me?

Chiropractic care enhances the life and health of millions of patients every year. How will you respond to chiropractic care? An estimate of your response will be discussed on your initial visit. Your consultation and exam help determine the level of your condition and help identify potential complicating factors.

Chiropractic works based on treatment that seeks to improve the function of your musculoskeletal system (joints, muscles, ligaments) and your nervous system. There is a vital relationship between the joints of your spine and your nervous system. A loss of proper function can lead to imbalances that produce swelling, pain, and compensation that places stress on other parts of your body. With this additional loss of function, symptoms often result: pain, numbness, burning, tingling, restricted motion, stiffness, weakness, and more. So if you are experiencing these symptoms, give us a call today to see if chiropractic can help you.

Does the treatment hurt?

If you asked the vast majority of our chiropractic patients they would quickly answer, "No!"

But let's explain. The reason so many patients receive and return to a chiropractor is that the treatment is effective and comfortable. But since pain is subjective, any pain associated with the procedures would be dependant on individual factors including, but not limited to your condition that may include acute trauma or swelling, your body's tolerance and response to treatment, and the specific techniques used in treatment. Treatment techniques vary from moderate to light force applied, to no force at all. Treatment options based on your condition -- including your apprehension to receiving care -- can be discussed.

How long does it take to get better?

Patients often start to experience relief ranging from the very first visit to a few weeks. How and how soon you respond is based on the severity of your condition, the length of time you have experienced your problem, complicating illness and underlying factors. For example, think about the common cold. Each of us responds and heals at a different rate, and each cold can vary until you are feeling better.

It's also important to define "better."

Our goal is to work with each patient to help them achieve their treatment goals. For some this means only wanting to reduce the amount of pain. For others, it means improve function and to strengthen and restore the body so they may continue or return to required activity such as work, or activities they enjoy. For many patient's, the goal is to get well, and stay well, to remain busy and active.  To Move well, Feel well, Age well and Live well !

Once I start treatment, do I have to keep going forever?

No. A false rumor about chiropractic is that "once you start going you'll have to keep going" or "the chiropractor will make you keep coming back forever."

Many patients find relief or correction of their condition and their treatment is finished. In fact, you could stop chiropractic care at anytime. However, when patients achieve their goals, many- by their own choice- decide that it's easier to stay than to get well with the help of chiropractic.  A periodic evaluation becomes preventative, and part of a health supporting, wellness orientated plan to promote health and wellness. These visits often detect small changes and stop little problems from becoming big problems.

Did you ever go to a dentist when you where younger? How long have you been going to a dentist? Ever go back periodically, even when you didn't have a toothache? Periodic preventive and maintenance dental visits only "make you" keep coming back by choice in the name of good health!

Do you actually "crack" my back?

It would seem odd to help someone by "cracking" their back. Patients often use the term "crack" or "snap" for the sound associated with certain types of chiropractic procedures. The "pop" that is produced with this type of hands on technique is a result of a small amount of gas that gets released when pressure is applied to a joint, much like "popping" your knuckles. Other techniques do not produce this sound at all.

Patients then often ask why they can "crack" their own back. This is often a sign that some joints are working or moving too much, while others are not moving properly. The stress of the imbalance builds, this usually leads to greater problems though. If you or someone you know "cracks" their own back or neck repetitively, a chiropractic evaluation can help uncover reasons and actions to help prevent further problems from developing.

What methods will be used for my condition?

Many patients, many conditions, many options.

Our treatment options vary from state-of-the-art  computerized diagnostic and treating
procedures that use minimal pressure, to traditional hands on chiropractic adjusting techniques. Some procedures use hand held instruments like the Activator. This method is a low force technique, and one of the most widely researched and used technique in chiropractic today. Other procedures use gentle stretching or applied pressure points.

Some patients receive one specific technique, others respond to a blend of treatment and technique options. Your treatment options and preferences may be discussed with the Doctor.

Is chiropractic safe?

The relative risk of a chiropractic adjustment is very low compared to the related risks of many other medical procedures that people use everyday, and assume to be safe and without risk. Such a comparison is the relative risk of a basic over the counter pain tablet or pill such as NSAIDS.

Because just about every medical, chiropractic, or dental procedure have some associated risk, from time to time the media presents a "news" story concerning the dangers of such procedures including the chiropractic adjustment. Often, these "news" stories do not present a balanced or statistically factual side of the issue, and produce more "fear" and "alarm" than "news", appropriate warning, and measured concern. Stories of this nature can take an unfortunate event or outcome and portray it in such a way that makes it seem like it is a daily event, fact or eventual outcome.

A complete copy of published medical literature and comprehensive articles regarding the safety and relative risks of receiving chiropractic care can easily be found by visiting masschiro.org. These articles are found under the heading of chiropractic information, then click on research or articles.

How much will it cost?

We are aware of the concern over the cost of healthcare. Many patients are pleased to discover the value of affordable, cost efficient chiropractic care.

Care is based on a fee for service basis.

Many health care plans provide coverage, or partial coverage for chiropractic care. Auto injuries, work injuries, Medicare, Mass Health also provide coverage based on your specific policy terms. (see Payment Options for a participating provider list)

We will assist you in verification of coverage for your specific plan. If you do not have insurance, or have a policy that does not cover chiropractic, our fees will be explained to you prior to treatment. Flexible payment options are available.